Milky Way and Sierra Nevada, California

Milky Way and Sierra Nevada
Eastern Sierra Nevada, Alabama Hills, California   –   May 1, 2017
— Ralph Paonessa
Canon EOS 6D   *      *   ISO 6400   *   55 sec

Mosaic of 18 frames on two levels with 14mm lens. Ca. 270 deg. Only 7 frames were angled up, with less horizontal overlap. LENR engaged.

This panorama of 18 separate images totals 205 MB. It was taken from the Alabama Hills, seen at left (west), turning around 270 degrees toward the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the right (east). The arc of the Milky Way hovers over the rock formations fo the Alabama Hills.

The Sierra peak that seems highest Is 13,000 foot Lone Pine Peak, the nearest mountain. The bright "star" above it is actually the planet Jupiter, setting in the west.

If you know where to look, you can pick out the serrated ridge that is home to Mount Whitney, at 14,505 feet the highest peak in the US outside Alaska. (To the right of Lone Pine Peak.)

The light poolution on the center horizon is from Los Angeles, 300 miles to the south!

Photo ID: 20170501-15-Pano